Understanding Your Security System Notifications/Call List

Understanding Your Security System Notifications
Molly Busacca
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Your alarm system is your first line of defense against potential threats to your home or business. However, its effectiveness relies not only on the system itself but also on who receives notifications when an alarm is triggered. Creating and maintaining an updated call list ensures that the right people are promptly notified in the event of an emergency. Let’s explore who should be on your alarm system call list and why it’s essential to keep it current.

Who Should Be On Your Alarm System Call List?

We always recommend the first person on the call list to be the primary owner. It’s advisable to include trusted contacts or emergency contacts on the call list in case the owner does not answer the initial call. These individuals should be reliable and readily available to assist in case of an emergency when the owner may not be reachable. Back up contacts could be family members, key employees or managers, neighbors, or friends who are familiar with the property and can act as a point of contact during emergencies.

Why Keeping Your Call List Updated Is Crucial

Maintaining an updated call list is vital for ensuring the effectiveness of your alarm system and maximizing your response to emergencies. Here’s why:

  • Timely Response: An updated call list ensures that the right individuals or entities are promptly notified when an alarm is triggered, enabling swift response and intervention.
  • Coordination: Effective communication among stakeholders facilitates coordination and collaboration during emergency situations, optimizing the outcome and minimizing potential damage or loss.
  • Minimized False Alarms: By including trusted contacts and service providers on your call list, you can reduce the likelihood of false alarms and ensure that alarms are verified and responded to appropriately.
  • Notify us if you will be on vacation or gone for an extended period time.  In these instances you may want to also modify call list to reflect the best contacts who are able to respond and take action if needed.

Need To Make Changes To Your Notification and Call List?

Review your call list at least once a year.  Phone numbers get changed, employees leave jobs, neighbors move, divorce and death are all instances we encounter when making calls about an alarm or trouble signal. Your alarm system call list is a critical component of your overall security strategy, providing a vital link between your system and the necessary responders in times of need. By carefully selecting and updating the individuals and entities on your call list, you can enhance the reliability and effectiveness of your alarm system, safeguarding your home or business against potential threats. Remember to review and update your call list regularly to reflect any changes in contact information or personnel, ensuring seamless communication and response in emergency situations.

Looking for a professional alarm system or wish to update your current call list? Give us a call at (661) 247-0098